Interactive Chart: Dysprosium price development*
If you are considering purchasing Dysprosium as a tangible asset then the one critical thing you need to know about Dysprosium is it is the booster for electric motors. It is highly adaptable and resilient and it is exceedingly magnetic. Dysprosium is also used as a shield for nuclear reactors because of its ability to still function at high temperatures. Dysprosium is used in energy-saving lamps, laser material, halogen lamps and glass. As far as industry is concerned Dysprosium is irreplaceable in many areas of application.
Most importantly with the coming explosion in sustainable energy, Dysprosium is a critical raw material in batteries needed for electric cars. Therefore it is one of our top recommendations as a purchase with fantastic profit and growth potential. A must-have in one’s portfolio of Rare Earths. Just imagine how many car manufacturers, old and new will have electric cars on the road by 2030
Interactive Chart: Neodymium price development*
Quite a few of our Rare Earths are valued because they are highly magnetic however Neodynium is the stuff of Superpowers with its ability to permanently carry 1,300 times its weight. Repeat Neodynium can permanently carry 1,300 time its weight. Interesting fact the elevators in One Trade Center in New York use Neodynium magnets. In addition to that Neodynium is also used whenever you need strong magnets in small volume as in smartphones, microphones in other words critical to the ever-growing high tech industry. Did you know one iPhone uses 12 Strategic Metals as critical raw materials to its functionality?
Interactive Chart: Praseodymium price development*
How many aircraft are in the air right now? How many aircraft need Praseodynium in their engines to deliver peak performance? The answer is every single one. Praseodymium is used in alloys with magnesium to produce high strength metal for aircraft engines. There is also new and surging demand for this metal because it improves UV absorption so a needed component in eye protection, greening crystal glass, ceramic materials. It is widely believed that China will not be able to handle (supply is limited) this increase in demand which will create new suppliers and thus higher prices because of EU and US sustainable practices in production and supply.
Interactive Chart: Terbium price development*
The dark horse in our stable, the outsider, the black sheep is predicted by the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research to be very limited in supply. We sell Terbium in its oxide form as this has two definite advantages. Every industrial usage of Rare Earths depends on oxides, always critical and always needed therefore effortless to liquidate. The second advantage is Rare Earths in their oxide form can be pretty much stored indefinitely. With the EU and US and other developing nations already talking of stockpiling for their reserves it makes perfect sense to own and store a Strategic Metal in high demand with a limited supply that is easily resold back to the market.
Interactive Chart: Gallium price development*
Here comes the heavy hitter, the All-Star, the Hall of Famer, Gallium is used in so many astonishing spheres of employment we could not list them all here, well we could but we don’t want to bore you. Just look at the historical pricing. The demand for Gallium is predicted to be six times its current production volume in 2025. The US and EU list Gallium as a critical resource which means it is of immense economic importance but finite availability. The current global production capacity is said to be exhausted however demand is surging, the Fraunhofer Institute predict that demand is currently six times higher than world production. This makes Gallium a must-have, top pick for any portfolio of Strategic Metals.
Interactive Chart: Germanium price development*
Interactive Chart: Hafnium price development*
Hafnium wasn’t a popular pick a few years ago, but we mentioned that this metal should not be written off for several reasons. The first being the price was low, at a buyer’s price. Our metals experts also expected that with Hafnium’s increasing usage in maturing semiconductor technology, demand was predicted to increase significantly in the coming years. The steady rise in demand for Hafnium for aircraft turbines was also bequeathing a positive outlook for this dark horse in your portfolio.
Any investor who added Hafnium to their portfolio during 2020 and 2021 will have benefitted from the triple-digit price increase in 2022. This strategic metal ensured that a basket investment of all our metals still made a decent profit during 2022, while the rare earths saw price corrections after their double and triple-digit gains in previous years.
Interactive Chart: Indium price development*
It is not widely known or acknowledged that we hold Indium in our hands daily in an increasing number of ways, notably touch screens. Indium is another of our Rare Earths that is listed as critical by the EU and US. The reason is Indium encompasses us in practically every phenomenon of contemporary life. Indium is in the computer monitor at work, the super flat TV screen in the living room, LCDs, mobile phone and increasingly used in nanotechnology and solar cell technology. The comprehensive development and enlargement of 5G technology and mobile networks are also inclined to play a considerable part.
Interactive Chart: Rhenium price development*
This is the metal where we expect the maximum upsurge in prices and with good reason. Rhenium is unique in that it is very limited in supply it is rarer than gold or platinum and crucial in aircraft construction. It is the most preferred metal for high-temperature operations. Rhenium also plays a critical part in the production of rocket and aircraft engines. Rhenium is also playing an increasingly significant role in catalysts of petroleum refineries and the metals are the perfect cast for the production of thermal elements, incandescent wires in lamps as well as X-ray tubes.
* The final price of a rare earth element or technology metal depends on many factors, such as batch size or purity. All charts therefore indicate the price development of the strategic metals in relative size.
Want to learn how you can profit from owning rare earths and technology metals?