Relevant News Articles 2021
January 12, 2021
How to Profit from the Climate Crisis
February 25, 2021If you are interested in purchasing and storing Strategic Metals as an investment the story remains the same (positive) and yet again it gets better. The dynamics we have been discussing in 2019 and 2020 are still there and will continue to be there for the next 5 to 10 years however significant events in 2020 make the outlook even brighter for the discerning investor in 2021 and beyond. I will post a couple of links here to support what I am presenting however first let me list why it’s a good idea to own Rare Earth Metals and then detail why based on recent significant events it’s a very good idea… BECAUSE YOU CAN. It is not widely known that you can safely purchase and store Strategic Metals as an investment. We are the only legitimate enterprise to offer this safe and secure way to purchase , own, store, resell and profit from Strategic Metals. SURGING DEMAND. With the coming explosion in demand for production and delivery of electric vehicles the demand for Rare Earth Metals has never been higher. The critical metals needed for the long-lasting batteries in electric mobility are a wiser investment than Gold and Silver right now. PATH OF PROGRESS. This is a principle which transcends all asset classes and by applying this principle in our decision making it can and will deliver solid results. In fact it can be applied to all areas of our lives and deliver results. The principle is the Path to Progress principle which maintains that if you are moving to a new country or considering an investment in that country or if you are considering changing career then simply by looking at the trajectory of the country or industry for the past 3 to 5 years you can accurately see where the trajectory is heading for the next 3 to 5 years. If you would like to see the Path to Progress of Strategic Metals for the past 5 years then go to www.kitco.com , look at Strategic Metals and you will see if you had invested in Strategic Metals / Rare Earth Metals 5 or even 10 years ago you would be profiting from progress. SILVER & GOLD. The purchase of Strategic Metals works exactly the same as the purchase of Gold and Silver, except of course right at this moment in time it is likely to be a much more profitable endeavour. INFLATION PROOF. The purchase and storage of Rare Earth Metals are inflation-proof and crisis-proof as you purchase a physical asset. The asset can be stored and resold at any time. LIMITED AVAILABILITY. China is the dominant market leader in Rare Earths today WHY? ..because a generation ago China decide they would be the dominant market leader. China currently produces and supplies more than 80% of the worlds rare earths. It appears the US and EU are finally taking notice and you will learn from the article below that while the EU and US and other developing nations “ catch up” you can profit. HIGH LIQUIDITY. The global market for Strategic Metals is very liquid as they are needed for raw materials for all high tech products , aviation industry, military applications and sustainable energy such as electric mobility and solar power. ISO 9001 QUALITY ASSURANCE. You are buying and storing your metals from a European (German) metals supplier with 21 years of experience in the industry. Furthermore, TRADIUM GmbH has consistently held an ISO 9001 Quality Assurance certificate consistently since 2003. EXIT STRATEGY. As important as entry is the exit , in fact more important is the exit. How do I exit (sell) my metals safely and securely? Easy! We will repurchase the metals from you upon request. In addition to that there are no exit fees or later (hidden) charges. None at all. This first link is a parting gift from 2020 from Reuters, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-mining-congress-idUSKBN29424R , it clearly states and confirms what we have been informing our readers for some time that both the US and EU now view China’s near-monopoly on Rare Earth Metals as critical. So much so that they are now listing some pf these metals as critical to national security and critical to their economies. As Apolitical discerning investors we can and should profit from this opportunity. It will not likely be as profitable in 5 years from now, the next 3 to 5 years predict 20% increase in value per year. Strategic Metals will always be a safe and secure hedge against inflation and a solid store of wealth however right now is the time to profit from progress. Our second link predicts explosive demand in electric mobility and solar power, also as discerning investors we are apolitical when it comes to investing and decision making so we can profit from the introduction of the “Green” programs of the Biden administration, demand (again) will rise, many are predicting demand will outweigh supply for the next 3 to 5 years, https://seekingalpha.com/article/4396899-outlook-2021-supply-demand-fundamentals-for-precious-metals, this is not just a prediction, even the dogs on the street know we are seeing an explosion in technology, sustainable energy, sustainable transportation, electric mobility, solar power. Now is the time to profit again from progress. If you would like a free consultation on current price trends or any specific pricing on any of our metals please contact me directly. |
John Louis O Connor CEO/Founder Strategic Metals Invest |