We are seeking a precious metals trader that would like to add strategic metals to their portfolio offering. Creative entrepreneurs, financial advisors and wealth management offices also welcome to apply.​
In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology and sustainability, Strategic Metals are indispensable. These rare, essential components are the backbone of 21st-century innovation, powering everything from green energy solutions to the latest tech gadgets. With demand skyrocketing against a backdrop of limited supply (predominantly controlled by China) the market for Strategic Metals presents a unique and lucrative opportunity for savvy investors and partners alike.
TRADIUM GmbH stands at the forefront of the Strategic Metals market. As one of the most reputable global dealers, they’ve pioneered access to these vital resources for individual investors and are the only industry player to do so.
You get comprehensive support from our experienced Strategic Metals Sales Team, including custom branded marketing materials (level dependent on Partnership Option).