Rhodium Prices

The current price of Rhodium is $200.76 per gram.

Please note that the price provided above is the retail price for private investors and is aligned with industry retail pricing. For bulk rhodium purchases, whether industry or investment, please contact us directly for a quotation.


Table: Rhodium Historical Prices and Price Changes

DateRhodium PriceChange % to TodayAnnual Change %
Mar 24 2025$200.76 / g
Jan 1 2025$162.50 / g+23.54%
Jan 1 2024$154.55 / g+29.89%+5.14%
Jan 1 2023$485.02 / g–58.61%-68.14%
Jan 1 2022$546.75 / g–63.28%-11.29%
Jan 1 2021$612.00 / g–67.20%-10.66%
Jan 1 2020$217.82 / g–7.83%+180.97%
Jan 1 2019$86.95 / g+130.89%+150.51%
Jan 1 2018$60.49 / g+231.86%+43.74%


Rhodium Historical Price Movement

At today’s price of $200.76 per gram, rhodium has changed +23.54% this year and +29.89% since the start of last year. This precious metal is down –58.61% since the start of 2023.

Since the beginning of 2022, it has lost –63.28% in value, and compared to its price of $217.82 per gram on Jan 1st 2020 rhodium has changed –7.83%. If we go back further to Jan 1st 2018, when you could buy rhodium for $60.49 per gram, then the price of this strategic precious metal is up +231.86%.

To predict rhodium’s future price direction (click to jump to forecast), let’s explore its various applications and who produces it.

Rhodium is known for its rarity, high reflectivity, resistance to corrosion, and exceptional catalytic properties. It has a unique silver-white appearance and is represented by the chemical element symbol Rh and atomic number 45. Like its peers in the platinum group, rhodium is highly valued and sought after in various industries.

Rhodium Uses


The versatility of rhodium is evident in its wide range of applications. Rhodium’s primary use is in the automotive industry as a key component in catalytic converters. It effectively breaks down nitrogen oxides into harmless nitrogen and water, making it crucial for reducing harmful vehicle emissions. In 2022, over 31 metric tons of rhodium were used for this purpose. Its excellent reflective properties also make it ideal for use in mirrors and searchlights.

Besides its automotive applications, rhodium is also utilized in the chemical industry, accounting for about eight percent of its total consumption. Its ability to withstand corrosion and high temperatures makes it a valuable asset in the production of nitric acid, acetic acid, and hydrogenation reactions.

Glass producers use around four percent of the available rhodium for making flat glass and fiberglass. Additionally, it finds applications in the electronics industry and jewelry production, albeit in smaller quantities.

In jewelry, rhodium is often used for plating, giving pieces a reflective white surface. Its resistance to tarnishing and scratches enhances the durability and appearance of jewelry. The electrical industry utilizes rhodium for its conductivity and corrosion resistance, particularly in high-temperature settings.

Where is Rhodium Produced?

Rhodium is extremely rare, even more so than iridium and platinum, and it’s typically extracted as a by-product of mining platinum and palladium and sometimes during nickel or copper extraction.

The process is complex and costly, contributing to its rarity. Annually, about 25 tons of rhodium are mined globally, with 85 percent coming from South Africa, where all the major producers are located. Russia, Zimbabwe, and Canada account for 14% of the production. Recycling also plays a significant role, returning approximately 10 tons per year to the market.

Factors Influencing Rhodium’s Price

The pricing of rhodium is influenced by its rarity, demand in various industries, and the limited nature of its sources. The automotive industry’s reliance on rhodium for emission control plays a significant role in driving its demand and price.

Market dynamics, such as supply disruptions in the major producing regions, changes in automotive industry regulations, and economic conditions, can significantly impact rhodium prices. The metal’s rarity and the complexity of its mining and refining processes add to its premium pricing.

Rhodium Price Forecast

Several factors influence the future price trajectory of rhodium. The increasing demand from the automotive industry, especially with new emission standards in China, India, and Europe, suggests a continued strong demand for rhodium in catalytic converters, bolstering its market value. However, any changes in environmental regulations or shifts in automotive technology could impact this demand.

Technological advancements in other sectors, such as electronics and the chemical industry, further boost the demand for rhodium. Its use in high-quality glass manufacturing and as a catalyst in chemical reactions is expected to contribute to this increased demand.

On the supply side, the limited and concentrated nature of rhodium production adds a layer of complexity. Any disruptions in South African mines due to political, social, or natural factors could significantly impact global supply and push prices higher.

In the long term, as the world moves towards greener technologies, the demand for rhodium in traditional industries might face challenges. However, new uses in emerging technologies could offset this, maintaining a robust market for rhodium.

Currently, at $200.76 per gram, the price of rhodium is about a quarter of what it was at its peak in 2021. At this price level, there is a significantly higher upside than downside potential, making rhodium an attractive option for strategic investment, especially considering its rarity and unique properties.

How to Buy Rhodium

For those interested in investing in rhodium, there are several avenues. Physical rhodium can be purchased in the form of grains, bars, or coins from marketplaces like eBay and Alibaba. It’s essential, though, to verify the metal’s purity and authenticity before buying.

Corporate buyers such as General Motors, Ford, and Mercedes only use reputable metal dealers to purchase industry-grade rhodium (minimum 99.9% purity). Reputable dealers, like ourselves, act as the intermediaries between the industries and the metals producers.

Any investors wanting to benefit from future rhodium price gains by buying and owning this unique precious metal can do this through us, the only globally licensed industry supplier offering this option to private investors. Our stellar reputation and longevity have certain competitive advantages, too, such as the immediate availability of the metals at “fair” prices.

Rhodium futures contracts are another option for investors. These contracts allow for the purchase or sale of rhodium at a predetermined price in the future, providing a way to hedge against price fluctuations.

How to Sell Rhodium

Before selling rhodium, it must be assayed to confirm its purity and quality. This process ensures transparency and maximizes the value during the sale.

For those who have invested through us, the selling process is very straightforward as we guarantee the sale of your rhodium holdings at market value, meaning you get your funds within a few days.

All prices on this page last updated Mar 24 2025.

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