The table below displays daily updated prices of the rare earth and technology metals we offer to individual investors in their original industry-standard packaging units. One of the most crucial safety dynamics is the chain of custody, and industry buyers will only purchase raw materials (even from us) that are still in the original packaging from the producer.
By buying in these original packaging units, our private investors have fast liquidity and access to more than 4,000 industry buyers in 75 countries when they are ready to sell.
Metal/Compound | Packaging Unit | Price USD/kg | Lot (kg) | Total Price (USD) |
Gallium | 10 kg (boxes) | $955.80 | 10 | $9,558.00 |
Germanium | 2 kg (metal bar) | $4,172.10 | 2 | $8,344.20 |
Hafnium | 5 kg (metal bar) | $4,219.20 | 5 | $21,096.00 |
Indium | 20 kg (metal bar) | $727.80 | 20 | $14,556.00 |
Terbium Oxide | 5 kg (oxide drums) | $1,469.20 | 5 | $7,346.00 |
Dysprosium Oxide | 25 kg (oxide drums) | $336.20 | 25 | $8,405.00 |
Neodymium Oxide | 25 kg (oxide drums) | $95.70 | 25 | $2,392.50 |
Praseodymium Oxide | 25 kg (oxide drums) | $96.10 | 25 | $2,402.50 |
Rhenium | 10 kg (bucket) | $2,538.60 | 10 | $25,386.00 |