What is Neodymium and Why Should You Own it Today?
April 13, 2022
What You NEED to Know About Owning Strategic Metals (But Probably Don’t)
May 23, 2022Hafnium is a metal that is often overlooked, but it’s important to consider owning some. In this video, we discuss the unique properties of hafnium and why it will be so crucial in the future. Check out the current & historical hafnium prices here.
(full video script included below)
Hi everyone,
Let’s begin with the main characteristics of Hafnium. Hafnium is a malleable silvery radiant metal. Its melting and boiling temperatures are very high and yet at very low temperatures Hafnium is superconductive, therefore there is a wide range of applications where you will find Hafnium including nuclear reactors, lasers, and computer chips. It should be pointed out that 50% of the total Hafnium production alone is used for superalloys in turbines and aircraft technology.
What makes Hafnium interesting as a physical asset is there are no independent Hafnium deposits because Hafnium always appears as a companion of Zirconium.In other words, Hafnium is always a by-product of mining Zirconium. This makes the extraction of Hafnium very difficult and extremely expensive. When you then consider the new rapidly developing semiconductor technology demand is expected to increase steadily in the next years. The significant increasing need for Hafnium for aircraft turbines is also contributing to this growth in demand. This continuous growth will drive up the need for Hafnium in the medium and long term. Industry specialists believe China will not be able to cope with the continued increase in demand which should allow opportunities for new suppliers to enter the market which will in consequence raise prices.
One wind turbine alone needs about 2 tonnes of rare earths, one F35 fight jet needs about three-quarters of a tonne of rare earths. Just recently the US army announces its plans to field an all-electric fleet of non-tactical vehicles by 2035 and also an all-electric fleet of tactical vehicles by 2050. It is increasingly obvious that Strategic Metals are not only key to economic prosperity but also crucial to a nation’s security capabilities. This has been further evidenced when in a rare occurrence of agreement both President Trump and President Biden signed executive orders recognizing this reality.
At this moment in time, technological advances are moving in giant strides, electric mobility, renewable energies, fast internet with fibre optics, all of these modern technologies need strategic metals, demand is therefore increasing but production cannot grow to the same extent. Also, most companies cannot afford to stockpile significant stocks of strategic metals however private investors can take advantage of this situation by purchasing strategic metals as tangible assets. It is an opportunity to profit from progress. Worth noting: Strategic Metals at a bare minimum are inflation-proof and crisis-proof as tangible assets, unlike savings or shares. Additionally owning and storing your Strategic Metals provides asset protection and geographic diversification.
If you would like to add Strategic Metals to your portfolio or just like to investigate further then please go to our website “Strategic Metals Invest” or just email us. I’m Louis O Connor and it is my pleasure to be with you today.
Thank you