January 2020 Newsletter – Rare Earths as Investment Predicted to Deliver Higher ROIs than Previously Forecasted
January 19, 2021
How to PROFIT from a SCARCITY in Rare Earth Elements in 2021
April 22, 2021This article is written to present a logical, informative, and persuasive argument as to how and why we (discerning investors) can and should profit from the climate crisis. We will characterize specifically what is an opinion and what is fact and keep this brief and to the point.
As discerning investors, we are not here to discuss or debate whether there is a climate crisis or not. That’s the realm of opinion however it is a fact that how we live and how we power our daily lives is going to change dramatically between now and 2030. The world as we know it is shifting to more sustainable living, i.e. electric mobility, solar power, greener living, regardless of what our opinion is on the climate crisis this change is happening and happening already. So how can we profit from it?

We are characterizing the climate crisis as an energy crisis. Why? Because the energy that powers our daily lives today accounts for an estimated 70% of global emissions. That means that up to 70% of our energy sources are going to change and we aim to profit from that change. The potential for profit for investors is by purchasing and storing the critical raw materials needed to supply these new emerging industries like electric mobility and solar power. We will also establish how some of them are very much limited in supply, increasing in demand and subject to disruption. This makes for very interesting profit forecasts.
Our guiding principle today will be that if you don’t know your past then you don’t know your future or in the investment world, we call it a Path to Progress Play.
Our main focus is going to be on the specific raw materials that are now listed as critical raw materials by the US, EU and other developing nations. They are known as Strategic Metals, Rare Earth Metals, Technology Metals and in total there are 17 of them. China has a near-monopoly on global production and supply and has threatened to restrict sales to the US as part of the ongoing trade tensions and negotiations with the US. Because of this, prices are rising and there is great potential for profit for the vigilant investor.
More specifically we are going to focus on 4 of the Rare Earth Metals where demand is rising as they are critical to electric mobility and solar power. So the investment play is simple and straightforward. The play is the purchase, storage and resale of these critical metals once the prices have increased very much in your favour. We will also prove that these metals are outperforming Silver and Gold and will continue to do so.
We will also demonstrate that the primary obstacle to investors profiting from this opportunity is not safety or security or that the metals are not increasing in value. The primary obstacle is that investors do not know they can purchase and own these metals safely, securely and tax-free. It is only quite recently that private investors can do this. Here are some of the key benefits to ownership and the path of profitability.
BECAUSE YOU CAN. It is not widely known that you can safely purchase and store Strategic Metals as an investment. We are the only legitimate enterprise to offer this safe and secure way to purchase, own, store, resell and profit from Strategic Metals.
SURGING DEMAND. With the coming explosion in demand for the production and delivery of electric vehicles the demand for Rare Earth Metals has never been higher. The critical metals needed for long-lasting batteries in electric mobility are a wiser investment than Gold and Silver right now.
PATH OF PROGRESS. This is a principle that transcends all asset classes and applying this principle in our decision making can and will deliver solid results. It can be applied to all areas of our lives and deliver results. The principle is the Path to Progress principle which maintains that if you are moving to a new country or considering an investment in that country or if you are considering changing career then simply by looking at the trajectory of the country or industry for the past 3 to 5 years you can accurately see where the trajectory is heading for the next 3 to 5 years. The link to our historical pricing since 2015 is below.
SILVER & GOLD. The purchase of Strategic Metals works the same as the purchase of Gold and Silver, except of course right at this moment in time it is likely to be a much more profitable endeavour.
INFLATION PROOF. The purchase and storage of Rare Earth Metals are inflation-proof and crisis-proof as you purchase a physical asset. The asset can be stored and resold at any time.
LIMITED AVAILABILITY. China is the dominant market leader in Rare Earths today WHY? … because a generation ago China decided they would be the dominant market leader. China currently produces and supplies more than 80% of the world’s rare earths. It appears the US and EU are finally taking notice and you will learn from the article below that while the EU and US and other developing nations “ catch up” you can profit.

HIGH LIQUIDITY. The global market for Strategic Metals is very liquid as they are needed for raw materials for all high tech products, aviation industry, military applications and sustainable energy such as electric mobility and solar power.
ISO 9001 QUALITY ASSURANCE. You are buying and storing your metals from a European (German) metals supplier with 21 years of experience in the industry, furthermore, TRADIUM GmbH has consistently held an ISO 9001 Quality Assurance certificate consistently since 2003.
EXIT STRATEGY. As important as entry is the exit, in fact, more important is the exit. How do I exit (sell) my metals safely and securely? Easy! We will repurchase the metals from you upon request. In addition to that, there are no exit fees or later (hidden) charges. None at all.
The 4 metals we are recommending and are critical to electric mobility, greener energy, and solar power are Gallium, Tellurium, Neodynium, and Dysprosium.
Gallium Tellurium Neodymium Dysprosium
If you had invested in any or all of these metals 5 years ago you would have made a healthy profit, here is the link to our historical pricing, https://strategicmetalsinvest.com/5-year-prices/
If you had invested 90 days ago then you would be in profit of 20% on some of our metals.
If you would like a telephone, Zoom, or Skype consultation on current price trends, our recommendations, or any specific pricing on any of our metals please contact us.