April 2022 Strategic Metals Market Update
April 5, 2022
Hafnium: Why You Need It in Your Portfolio for 2022 and Beyond!
April 28, 2022Neodymium is a rare earth metal that’s used in many different industries. It has the highest magnetic strength of any known material, and it can be used in everything from magnets to wind turbines. This video explains what Neodymium is and why you should consider owning some today.
(full video script included below)
Hi everyone,
Let’s begin with the main characteristics of Neodymium (Nd) which is an oxide. Oxides are the powdered form of Rare Earth Elements. Neodymium is blue-violet as an oxide. Its pink oxide layer is quite delicate however its most outstanding feature is it is highly magnetic. Neodymium iron boron magnets can permanently carry up to 1,300 times their own weight so the primary use of Neodymium is in the production of extremely powerful Neodymium magnets.
Neodymium is also used wherever you need strong magnets at reduced sizes such as in wind turbines, electric motors, microphones, and smartphones. In other words: All across the high-tech industry.
The magnets produced with neodymium manifest significantly higher performance in the generators of wind turbines than conventional magnets. Since the weight of the parts plays a major role in wind turbines, the demand for neodymium is also by far the highest in this industrial sector.
Worth noting is the importance of neodymium for many future technologies. For example, the elevator technology of the One World Trade Center in New York is based on neodymium magnets. The is no question that the global demand for neodymium will continue to grow steadily.
We offer Neodymium as a tangible asset in oxide form. This has two crucial advantages: Oxides can be stored almost without limits, in the right conditions oxides can be stored indefinitely and there is no expiry date. Also, all industries’ use of Rare Earths depends on oxides therefore liquidation of oxides for the investor is quick and easy.
The outlook for investors in the medium and long term in Neodymium is first-class travel all the way to profit. The reason for that is wind power is one of the 10 technologies listed in China’s plans to be self-sufficient domestically by 2025. China’s futures policy, China 2025 lists wind power as one of those 10. It is highly likely that by 2030 we in the west will be waiting in line for what China will allow us to have once they have satisfied their own economic and national security. It is also likely we will be subordinate to other countries like Russia for example in that line. China will also set the prices.
This is not conjecture or impending doom sales talk, this is a reality borne out of a policy instigated a generation ago in China when Deng Xiaoping stated “The Middle East has oil, China has Rare Earths. At that time (in the 1980s) the US accounted for 60% of the global production of Rare Earths whereas today China accounts for 87% of the global production of Rare Earths. China has achieved economically what it could not have done militarily and it only took 25 years.
It makes perfect poetic sense then to own Rare Earths as tangible assets and have them safely stored outside of China with direct access to industry buyers once you are ready to liquidate your profits.
If you would like to add Strategic Metals to your portfolio or would just like to investigate further then please go to our website www.strategicmetalsinvest.com or email us. I am Louis O Connor and it is my pleasure to be with you today.
Thank you